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Great Reads for Good Food

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Working From Home: How to Stay Healthy and Happy

There are many people who are now working from home, whether due to COVID-19 or by personal choice. While working from home offers some benefits, like less exposure to germs and saving on commuting costs, it can also come with...

Wellness in the COVID-19 Era: Stay at Home Or Go to the Gym?

If you look into the window of a local gym, you'll likely see that it has far fewer people than normal. Many people, especially in areas hit harder by Coronavirus, are more reluctant to do anything in public unless...

Country Comes to a Near Standstill as Coronavirus Strengthens its Grip

You do not have to be watching the news these days to understand the world is experiencing a global pandemic that shows no signs of slowing down. It can be challenging to keep up with the latest developm...

CDC to Release New COVID-19 Guidelines for National Parks

As the World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest, one of the main reasons that viruses spread to pandemic levels is because too many people ignore the risks and go...

COVID-19 Marches on as All 50 States Begin Reopening. What You Need to Know

As the US death toll from COVID-19 inches toward 100,000, all 50 states are forging ahead with some level of reopening. In order to protect your own health, you need to be aware of how these changes...

Is There a COVID-19 Vaccine on the Horizon? What You Need to Know Now

You do not have to be following the news closely to know that one of the leading headlines this week is the impending arrival of a COVID-19 vaccine. While there has been no vaccine that has moved past the...

How to Manage Anxiety After Social Distancing for a Year

After nearly 18 months of social distancing, people are finally feeling more comfortable leaving their homes and joining their friends and extended family members. People are also doing more activities in person, such ...

Speaking with Your Doctor About the Vaccine

Speaking with Your Doctor About the Vaccine If one were to judge what's happening in America based on what the television and mainstream Internet news says, one would reach the conclusion that America is a horribly racist place wh...

Worried About Dementia as You Age? Here Are the Biggest Risk Factors

It is understandable to be worried about mental decline as you age. While there are some risk factors that are beyond your control, there are distinct influences that you can work to negate. It is never to...