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Great Reads for Good Food

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How Will Biden Confront COVID-19 if Elected? Read His 7-point Plan Here

President Donald Trump and his Democratic opposition, Joe Biden, faced off in the second and final debate of the 2020 election season on Thursday. Moderator Kristen Welker did not waste any time ask...

On Friday November 20, the United States reported more than 201,000 COVID-19 cases. On the same day, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (C...

The Pandemic Upends Thanksgiving Plans The Thanksgiving holiday is traditionally one on which people travel to their fam...

Despite the Temptations, You Can Create a Healthier COVID-19 Holiday Season

Everyone knows about the trappings of the indulgent holiday season. Between holiday parties, gatherings with friends and family, and delicious treats tempting you around every corner, it is easy to ...

What is Food Insecurity and Why is it Such a Problem Now for So Many?

While many health experts and government officials are rightfully focused on controlling the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is another huge problem that millions of Americans are facing as a resul...

How What You Fuel Your Body With Can Affect Your Body's Immune Function

How you choose to nourish your body has far-reaching effects that go well beyond your waistline measurements. What you eat can also have significant effects on the function of your body's immune system....

May Is Mental Health Awareness Month

All across the United States, governors and mayors are making declarations for Mental Health Awareness Month, which takes place during the month of May. While most people recognize the importance of achieving and maintaining physical heal...

Understanding How Multiple Sclerosis Affects the Body in Multiple Ways

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease that affects the central nervous system, disrupting the exchange of information between the brain and the rest of the body. According to the National MS Society, ther...

Struggling with a Weight Loss Plateau? Here is How You Can Break Through

Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight has likely experienced the dreaded plateau. While the weight generally comes off easy during the first few weeks of the effort, this progress eventually stalls ...

How to Tell If You Have Sexual Tension With Someone

Sexuality is a part of wellness that often gets overlooked due to the taboos. Cultural taboos around talking about sexuality prevent a lot of people from admitting their feelings and dealing with them. Suppressed feelings c...