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Great Reads for Good Food

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What to Do if Someone in Your Household Tests Positive for COVID-19

It is understandable to be concerned if somebody in your home tests positive for COVID-19. Not only do you need to care for the patient, but you also need to do what you can to protect yourself and the othe...

What to Expect in Biden's First 100 Days to Fight the COVID-19 Crisis

Earlier this week, President-elect Joe Biden outlined his goals for his first 100 days in office. Dating back to the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the incoming president has used these first few months i...

It's Okay to Not Feel Festive This Holiday Season

The divisive presidential election, COVID-19 pandemic and economic uncertainty have hit people hard this year. As 2020 comes to a close, the holiday season is upon us. This is usually a time of year for people to gather with ...

Tired of Zoom Social Gatherings? How You Can Mix Up Your Interactions

The novelty of the Zoom happy hour or the virtual game night was enough to get most people through the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was fun to gather online with friends and family in you...

Understanding the Many Benefits of Finally Starting an Exercise Routine

The new year is here which means many people are hitting the gym to try to get in shape. While the overriding motivation for most is to lose weight or to fend off serious illness and disease, there are ...

These COVID-19 Prevention Measures Could Reduce Spread of Influenza

Epidemiologists are predicting that the United States could experience an increase in the spread of COVID-19 during the upcoming winter months of the year. This increase in cases is likely to come at the sam...

This Adorable Dutch Practice Is Set to Become the Newest Wellness Trend

When most people think about health trends, they picture things like unpleasant diets or intense exercise classes. However, one of the most exciting new wellness trends lately is actually something ext...

The Long-Awaited COVID-19 Vaccine is Here. What About the Side Effects?

All across the world, millions of people are receiving the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The race to produce the first approved vaccine went to Pfizer with more pharmaceutical companies now in lin...

Many Hospitals are Nearing ICU Capacity. Why is This a Critical Situation?

Nearly everyone is aware that the COVID-19 health crisis is causing a significant strain on the hospital capacity in areas all across the nation. With confirmed cases of the deadly virus surging almo...