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Great Reads for Good Food

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Understanding the Ins and Outs of Plantar Fasciitis and How to Treat It

The symptoms of plantar fasciitis can range from mildly annoying to completely debilitating. The condition is caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia, the band of connective tissue that stretch...

Thinking of Going to a Bar This Weekend? You Might Want to Think Again

There has been a lot of news lately about the role of bars in the spread of COVID-19. But how dangerous are these places? Are they really a significant contributor to the spread of the deadly virus? Read...

Black Americans Are Dying from COVID-19 at an Alarming Rate. Why is This?

One of the most alarming truths to come out of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis is how the Black population is becoming sick and dying at much higher rates than the rest of the country. Older Black America...

Developing Psychological Flexibility: The Key to Happiness and Wellness

Many people find themselves stuck, especially in today's fast-paced world. However, did you know that there is a way to break free from these negative thought patterns? It's called psychologic...

US Braces for Coronavirus Outbreak - How You Can Protect Yourself

It appears as if there is no stopping the persistent march of the deadly coronavirus. With well over 83,000 confirmed cases around the world paired with more than 2,800 deaths, the virus has made it its way t...

5 Tips for Your COVID-19 Mental Health

It is every bit as important to take care of mental health as it is to safeguard your physical health while you are staying home during the COVID-19 crisis. Your mind is as critical to your well-being as your body and you must be good t...

Suffering from Psoriatic Arthritis? Here is What You Can Do for Relief

Psoriatic arthritis is an often debilitating condition that leads to joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. This arthritic condition is most often paired with psoriasis, a skin disease that is characterize...

How Scientists and Physicians Are Working to Beat COVID-19 Virus

While the COVID-19 global pandemic is still raging in many parts of the world, the good news is that the death rate is beginning to decline. This is due in large part to the medical community finding better wa...

Many people do not understand the importance of health and wellness. Therefore, they take these issues lightly until they fall sick and they realize t...

Let a bottle of Water Be Your First Drink When You Wake Up A bottle of water in the morning will improve your health sig...