Great Reads for Good Food
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Self-Care Tips to Make it Through the COVID-19 Quarantine
Like nearly every other American, you are probably reading this article from your home since you have been ordered to remain there while the COVID-19 crisis unfolds. Many people could end up mired in a funk or depres...
Experiencing Strange COVID-19 Dreams Lately? Here Are Some Tips to Help
You are not alone if you are experiencing strange dreams during this time of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Many individuals are reporting a host of bizarre dreams that may be attributed to the stress of...
Wondering How to Safely Celebrate Halloween? Here Are Some Do's and Don'ts
With the onset of fall officially here, many children are beginning to wonder if they will still be able to enjoy Halloween festivities this year. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has certainly put into...
New CDC Guidance Illustrates How COVID-19 Can Spread Through the Air
It is understandable if your head is spinning with all of the changing guidelines regarding the COVID-19 virus. Just Monday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officially announced that t...
Cancel Routine Health Screenings During the Pandemic? What to Do Now
Many Americans put off routine health screenings during the pandemic because they did not want to venture into healthcare settings. However, with a widely available vaccine and a better understanding of th...
Looking to Get in Some Extra Steps Each Day? Here Are Easy Ways to Do It
Most health experts recommend that you aim to get in at least 10,000 steps per day. Unless you have a job that keeps you on your feet all day, this can be a difficult goal to reach. However, there are ...
Tired of Relying on Coffee to Wake Up Each Morning? Try These Ideas Instead
You are not alone if you find yourself reaching for multiple cups of coffee each morning in an effort to get moving. While the caffeinated jolt of a cup of coffee will certainly wake you up, the...
What to Eat if You Want to Mitigate the Appearance of Wrinkles
Nobody will blame you if you want to keep your skin looking as youthful and wrinkle-free as possible. In addition to limiting your exposure to the sun, getting adequate sleep, and staying well hydrated, you ...
Struggling to Lose Weight? You Could Be Making These Common Mistakes
If you are looking to shed a few pounds, you may be encountering some unexplained road blocks. If you have reached a plateau in your weight loss, you may need to look at how you are approaching this pr...