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These Hot Wellness Trends Are Popping Up at Workplaces Around the Country

Not too long ago, "wellness" was only used in fringe circles to describe activities in which one actively pursues a better state of being, whether it's physically, mentally, or both. Very rapidly, this...

Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Your Health Go Well Beyond the Actual Virus

While most people are hyper-focused on the effects that COVID-19 may take on the body, the stress of the ongoing global pandemic is also delivering a host of other health issues. The constant level ...

Mysterious Coronavirus Syndrome in Children Has Doctors Concerned

One of the most troubling developments of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is the increasing amounts of reports detailing how this virus is seriously affecting children. Up until a few weeks ago, health experts ...

Understanding the Progression of COVID-19 Symptoms for Faster Diagnosis

While there is still a lot to be learned about the COVID-19 virus, medical researchers are beginning to crack the code regarding the likely progression of symptoms in many patients. A new study conducte...

How the Biden Administration Plan to Speed Up the Vaccination Efforts

On Wednesday, Joseph R. Biden was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States. Regardless of what side of the political aisle that you fall on, there is no doubt that a new president comes with a ...

What is Food Insecurity and Why is it Such a Problem Now for So Many?

While many health experts and government officials are rightfully focused on controlling the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is another huge problem that millions of Americans are facing as a resul...

Many people do not understand the importance of health and wellness. Therefore, they take these issues lightly until they fall sick and they realize t...

Let a bottle of Water Be Your First Drink When You Wake Up A bottle of water in the morning will improve your health sig...

The best way to live a happy, enjoyable life is by taking care of your body, balancing your emotions and soul, and working towards improving your heal...

So, are you good to go? Here's your ultimate guide to a happy, enjoyable life. MEDITATE to KEEP AWAY STRESS Stress is a...

What Can You and Cannot Do Once You Are Fully Vaccinated? Read This

After an entire year of battling the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, there is finally light at the end of the tunnel. This light is coming in the form of a mass vaccination effort. Signaling to the nation tha...