Great Reads for Good Food
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What Can You and Cannot Do Once You Are Fully Vaccinated? Read This
After an entire year of battling the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, there is finally light at the end of the tunnel. This light is coming in the form of a mass vaccination effort. Signaling to the nation tha...
Exploring the Lessons Learned as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Looking back over the last year, it is clear that the world has learned some important lessons as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This global health crisis has put the spotlight on health and wellness whi...
5 Tips for Your COVID-19 Mental Health
It is every bit as important to take care of mental health as it is to safeguard your physical health while you are staying home during the COVID-19 crisis. Your mind is as critical to your well-being as your body and you must be good t...
Mysterious Coronavirus Syndrome in Children Has Doctors Concerned
One of the most troubling developments of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is the increasing amounts of reports detailing how this virus is seriously affecting children. Up until a few weeks ago, health experts ...
Experiencing Strange COVID-19 Dreams Lately? Here Are Some Tips to Help
You are not alone if you are experiencing strange dreams during this time of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Many individuals are reporting a host of bizarre dreams that may be attributed to the stress of...
How Scientists and Physicians Are Working to Beat COVID-19 Virus
While the COVID-19 global pandemic is still raging in many parts of the world, the good news is that the death rate is beginning to decline. This is due in large part to the medical community finding better wa...
These Wellness Topics Are a Top Priority for Nations Recovering From COVID
Though the United States might still be dealing with high COVID-19 rates, nations that had a more effective response to the pandemic are already moving on to the recovery stage. Seeing what they focu...
Black Americans Are Dying from COVID-19 at an Alarming Rate. Why is This?
One of the most alarming truths to come out of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis is how the Black population is becoming sick and dying at much higher rates than the rest of the country. Older Black America...
New Study Gives Hope to Educators About Possibilility of In-Person School
A new study last week has given educators and parents hope that there are definitive ways to help to protect students from the COVID-19 virus while in class. This study looked at aerosol and droplet t...